Me and my boy.

Me and my boy.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

The Walking Green

If you've come here looking for my other blog--The Walking Green--you can find it here.

Read on, my friends.

Who Am I?

I'm Liz, a Chicago native and Cincinnati resident.

I'm a severe introvert with social anxiety and too much to say. (The perfect candidate for a blog, no?)

My background is in communications and music ministry, but I am currently an accomplice to my husband (a bi-vocational church planter), a wannabe urban mamma to the most perfect baby in the world, and a part-time litter-bug buster for the City of Cincinnati. I am terribly dry-humored and sarcastic, so if something I say doesn't make sense, take it as a joke and move on...

Here, you will find a feed from my Xanga blog, where I write about womanhood, motherhood, faith, ministry, politics, theology, and other curious topics. (If someone can tell me how to feed directly into individual posts, I'd be happy to make that happen so readers don't have to read through Xanga.)

All in all, I'm just trying to make sense of my life, my ministry, the Church, and culture.

And I'm happy to say those things that other people are afraid to say.

Enjoy reading and cheers!

Liz McEwan's Xanga blog